----- Versions Version 2.6 of the LinkPoint PHP Wrapper (LPHP) and version 5.4.1 (01may2001) of the LinkPoint LBIN executable binary were used in conjunction with this aMember plugin. ----- LinkPoint Payment Plugin Configuration Steps (1.) Upload your LinkPoint key file and PHP wrapper files according to the "LinkPoint PHP Wrapper Installation" directions below. (2.) Enable and configure plugin at "aMember CP -> Setup -> Plugins". (3.) Confiure the plugin at "aMember CP -> Setup -> LinkPoint". (4.) If you want to enable automatic recurring billing, follow the instructions below for "Cron Job Configuration." ----- LinkPint PHP Wrapper Installation Instructions (1.) Upload your LinkPoint key file (e.g. 123456.pem) to your cgi-bin, chmod it 444. ----- Cron Job Configuration Instructions This is used in a situation where you want to automatically process recurring billing for specific products. In order for this to work, you need to: (1.) Enable "Use External Cron" in the Setup -> Advanced settings of the Admin Control Panel. (2.) Set the "Cron Password" in the Setup -> Advanced settings of the Admin Control Panel. IMPORTANT: Make note of your cron password as you will need it in the next step... (3.) Add a cron job listing of: 1 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -source http://yourdomain/amember/cron.php?pass=yourcronpassword The line above should be added, and it should all appear on a single line. To add the cron job, you must use the command "crontab -e" and the vi editor. Simply add the above line to the text file then save/exit. If you are not familiar with cron jobs or proper use of the vi text editor, it is highly recommended to consult your sever administrator for assitance. Before you add the above cron job, you will want to change the URL to match your domain name and correct the patch to your new aMember directory. Also, change the "yourcronpassword" to your new cron password (added in the previous step). -----